You can see it immediately and feel it too: these slippers are made of genuine camel hair. They are soft, light in weight, comfortable in shape - and they keep you very warm. Gottstein manufactures the camel hair slippers exclusively for Manufactum.Tyrolean Slippers.If someone says “Patschen” in Austria, they’re most likely talking about their slippers. Ours come from Gottstein, in Imst, Austria. In 1926, the company started producing impeccable fulled felt. Down to the present day, Gottstein has the virgin wool fleece, softened in nothing less than pure mountain spring water, squeezed and beaten in shape on an original “hammer” fulling machine until the fleece is thick enough to be used for house-slippers of this kind of quality. Each slipper is made from a single section of the wool felt; hence, annoying cut edges do not occur in this type of manual production. Put on a last, the slippers get their final shape by dampening, pressing and careful drying. You may notice the slight bulge at the toe, a shape that makes walking particularly comfortable. The pure wool felt makes for balanced temperature conditions all year round.Hint:The slippers run rather small: We recommend choosing a size one size larger than your usual size.General product information
Camel hair slipper, Brown | Manufactum
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